There has been much discussion online regarding the recent Australian Census question on volunteering. Some felt that the question “Did you volunteer in the last 12 months?” did not go deep enough. In isolation this question seems very basic; however when the answer to this question is cross-classified with other information collected in the census, a complete range of demographic information can be gathered. There is a range of census information provided at no charge.
The 2006 Australian Census provided the following information at no charge:
Labor Force Status by Voluntary Work for an Organisation or Group by Age by Sex for persons Aged 15-54 Years
Labor Force Status by Voluntary Work for an Organisation or Group by Age by Sex for persons Aged 55 Years and Over
Voluntary Work for an Organisation or Group by Age by Sex
Voluntary Work for an Organisation or Group by Age by Sex for Indigenous Persons
I would assume that similar information would be available from the 2011 Australian Census.